Low Carb Pop Tarts


Servings: 4 large Poptarts



  • 2 cups almond flour 

  • ¼ cup coconut flour 

  • 2 tsp xanthan gum 

  • 4 tbsp sweetener

  • 6 tbsp butter, softened 

  • 3 tbsp almond milk 


  • 2 cups strawberries, diced 

  • ¼ cup sweetener (or more depending on the sweetness of strawberries)

  • 1 tbsp lemon juice

Egg Wash: 

  • 1 egg, beaten

  • 1 tsp water


  • ¼ cup sweetener

  • 1 tbsp almond milk


  1. Preheat your oven to 325F. 

  2. In a large bowl, add in all of your ingredients for your dough. Combine your dough until everything is thoroughly combined and knead for 1-2 minutes.

  3. Your dough will be a little tacky, so if you need to, you can add a little bit of almond flour to keep it together. Let the dough rest as you make your filling. 

  4. In a medium sized saucepan, add your strawberries, sweetener and lemon juice. Allow this to cook down on medium heat for about 5 minutes, mashing the strawberries every minute or so. You’ll see that your mixture will turn into a thick jam. Taste, and adjust if you want it sweeter. 

  5. Assemble your pop-tart. Roll out your dough to be ¼ inch thick and cut into rectangles.

  6. Add your filling, and top with another rectangle of dough. Using a fork, crimp the edges of your pop-tart and cut slits at the top. 

  7. Finish assembling the rest of your pop-tarts and now, make your egg wash. 

  8. Using a pastry brush, brush your egg wash on each pop-tart and bake for 15-18 minutes until golden brown. 

  9. Allow your pop tarts to cool as you make your frosting. Pipe your frosting on and enjoy!


Nutrition per serving:

  • Calories - 318

  • Fat - 27g

  • Protein - 6g

  • Total Carbs - 37g (mainly from allulose but gets deducted)

  • Net Carbs - 5g


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