I Tried Celery Juice For a Month!


Hi guys! So last month I decided to try something new that I had been seeing floating around over and over again. I was feeling a little sluggish and wanted to find ways to incorporate more energy and just overall healing but on a more holistic level. I had discovered the magic celery juice that everyone had been raving about and I decided to give it a try for just a week! Well turns out I enjoyed it SO month I decided to extend it for an entire month instead. So let’s just get right into it!

First off, drinking straight might sound a little weird right? Kind of seems like it could just be a fad but I'm always up for trying new things especially if its all natural. I wanted to do more research to see what the actual benefits of drinking straight celery juice is and was pleasantly surprised on how MANY there are. Celery stalks, seeds, and seeds offer alot of nutritional value but the two antioxidants that really stick out are luteolin and apigenin. It’s shown that these guys can not only help with bloating but also can help treat other inflammoratory issues! Pretty crazy right?

Here are a few more benefits that I found extremely interesting and eye opening:

1. It heals the gut by activating hydrochloryhic acid and helps us digest food much faster! This was extremely important to me because I feel like over the last few years I've been noticing more and more gut issues come up. I wanted to get a handle on being able to enjoy the foods I love without feeling discomfort at the end of the day. This benefit alone got me a ticket on the celery juice train.

2. Celery juice can lower cholesterol AND blood pressure! There’s a compound in celery that can reduce the bad LDL in our cholesterol! We hear a lot about how keto and low carb can be tough on cholesterol with all the higher fat foods (even though I feel like if you eat good fats, you'll be fine!) but this doesn't hurt to try! Also, celery juice can act as a muscle relaxer which helps the flow of potassium and calcium in cells allowing for blood vessels to expand easily, which in turn, helps blood pressure. Mind blown!

3. It’s highly nutritious and helps fight infections! Celery juice has tons of loaded minerals and vitamins like potassium, vitamin C, folate and much more! This also gives you that natural glow to your skin. It’s been shown that it can help diminish acne and help fight off psoriasis. Studies have also shown that celery juice can amp up your immune system and help fight off infections. This is a huge win win because I really do try and focus on natural remedies first and after last year we definitely want to be taking good care of ourselves to prevent any illness.

Those are just a few of MANY benefits I have discovered but seriously there were tons of fantastic reasons to start juicing this vegetable. After reading up I felt even more excited to have my go at it and see what I would experience! It was a little bit tricky juicing at first considering I don't have a juicer but a blender will do. Just make sure you have a cheese cloth on hand to strain all the yummy liquid out. That or if you are in a pinch for time, some markets and stores do serve fresh squeezed celery juice ( a tad on the pricey side though $5!).

Week 1: It was the first time trying this magic juice! Definitely tasted like celery and thats about it! After a few days I noticed a huge boost in energy. I wanted to cut back on coffee and this felt like a great substitute right off the bat. I did notice and this might be a little TMI but celery juice can ALSO have a detox effect if you know what I mean. Let’s just I was getting flushed out ha! I think also with the detox I noticed a slight change in my skin with a little bit of acne and had read that this can happen.

Week 2: I decided to keep going because I felt really amazing. Like I had a breath of fresh air amazing! The perk of not having caffeine BUT feeling like I did was something I still was enjoying. I would work 12 hour days and not even sluggish like I used to. I am still getting used to the taste of celery juice. It can be a little off putting to some but they recommend to not put anything in it and drink it early in the morning to reap all the benefits. Felt my skin started clearing up again (YAY!) and looking more glowy and hydrated, my eyes were actually getting more white and my family and team could notice a difference!

Week 3: Still going strong! I had to leave for a trip this week and was worried that I wouldn’t be able to continue my celery juice journey. But I was determined! The place we stayed at did not have a juicer or blender so to improvise, I purchased a large bottle of celery juice from the local market instead. Now this isn’t the ideal situation, but you have to work with what you have if you have celery goals to hit! Celery juice had become my new early morning routine aka the new coffee run. The trip was fantastic, my skin was glowing still, energy up, my gut felt super slim and I didn't experience as much issues as I normally do on a trip out ! Also I’m usually super tired after travels, but honestly, I just had so many energy that I was unphased. This sounds so crazy but I felt my body healing.

Week 4: Going into this last week, I enjoyed the celery juice so much that I decided to not end it and to continue as long as I could. I wanted to implement this "fad" I had been seeing because I was a celery juice believer! It had became the new norm that I was ecstatic about. The biggest thing I noticed specifically this week was my overall bloat. I don’t weight myself anymore, but I could just feel my body losing inches. Clothes were fitting easier and I truly felt amazing. My skin was hydrated and I couldn’t believe how many compliments I was getting on it. I felt like it was easier to keep up with work and my daughter because she’s a huge ball of energy! Maybe we will have a few celery runs together!

Overall it was a hit for me! I've experienced many many positive things with drinking celery juice daily. I feel good and I feel even BETTER. There's less bloating, clearer skin, clearer eyes (the whites), energy in mornings without coffee and better gut health (which is the main reason I wanted to try!). I wasn’t concerned about sticking to a strict keto diet, but was also eliminating dairy at this time so I felt even more fantastic. I will continue celery juicing and document it on my Instagram stories @low.carb.love so if you’re not following me on there, join me! If there are other things you want me to try, click the contact button, send me a message and let me know!


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